Wednesday, July 16, 2008

God - The Greatest Engineer

Buzz It
This post is another of the poems I wrote during the Engineering days. I read an article on God's Engineering skills, and thought, as an Engineer, I should pay my tribute to Him.

This picture is for the "Divine Presence", which touches our life in ways, that cannot be described. We may call God, with different names, look up to Him in different forms, and probably pray to Him in different ways, but the "Divine Presence or Cosmic Energy" remains the same.

So, being an Engineer, and a part-time poet ;-), this is my way of offering "Homage".

God is the Greatest Engineer,
In every branch of any field;
Nothing made by man comes near,
To even the least of His Creation’s yield!

He is great in the CTM way; (CTM is Construction Technology and Methods)
We’ve built the hundreds storeys,
But higher stand His peaks away,
Which form the foundations of His Glory!

What better are Mechanical marvels seen!
Than the Sun Engine driving rain’s cycle,
Which is grander than the best machine
Or any land, water or air vehicle!

The thunder and the lightning prove,
That much more Electrical force,
Than flows from any man made groove,
Comes from the Almighty’s source!

To show that there is none to par,
In Electronics and Communication, the Lord,
Made most complex wires and bars
Which are the Nerves, of brain and spinal cord!

Though we make wonder drugs today,
And Chemicals that give comfort and bliss;
The tiny particles that lay,
The very Foundations to these are His!

God’s the Greatest Engineer,
But not for His scorching sun,
Mountains, Nerves or Pills! No, no my dear!
These don’t make Him the best one.

To establish, there’s none as great;
This I can say, and stay of worth,
He wrote the Software Code of Life,
On the Computer of the Earth!!!

P.S. The end is like this, because, I am a Computer Engineer. :-)


Zeal said...

Easy and nicely flowing verses.
The poem makes u to think that things which seems normal and natural to us are some of the flawless engineering marvels of the almighty. For a moment it made me think romantically, made me to stop for a second, spare a moment to appreciate and look around the nature, to get inspired from the god for his creativity and strive for that perfection

PS- u missed a stream. where is instrumentation and control???!!! Brain the greatest control system with the best SCADA controlling and acquiring data from the most complex systems of the body and yet not tiring, up 24/7, even in the dreams :)..think upon it ;)

Shaily said...

I just have to post a comment almost alwayz...dont i? :) well i dont have much to say...except that Im awed at the things dat we tend to consider petty in the routine of life but things dat we really cannot do without! Its a nice representation of God's omnipresence.
PS- Since I have studied management I wud say that God cud also be a manager by profession...imagine if it snowed in Thar desert...a brilliant managerial mind works behind controlling it :) Im sure there wud be ppl who wud say God is a director and all the world is a stage. There is no limit to imagination, now is there?

Great post as a tribute to the Almighty!